TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Of course I haven't measured temps yet
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Subject Of course I haven't measured temps yet
Posted by collegeboy on November 04, 2010 at 2:05 PM
  This message has been viewed 215 times.
In Reply To My issue with that reasoning is posted by ZiNnYc on November 04, 2010 at 01:55 PM
Message Hell, the custom crank and rods from Crower finally just came in the mail this week.

I would highly doubt that the coatings on the manifolds are going to make engine bay temps drop 50%. I could be wrong...but that just seems doubtful. Either way, it's still going to be plenty hot in the engine bay, so the difference between plenum temps and engine bay temps will still both be hot making any movement of temps from object to air or air to object minor. I wouldn't bother with it, and seeing as I'm someone who will try anything, for me to say that, means it's pretty much pointless.

Like I said, this was the advice given to me by the reps I talked to themselves, and it makes perfect sense. Usually reps don't try and talk you out of using their services.

1991 Black 3.0 Twin Turbo


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---Me: You bought a Porsche?
---sfpearl300z: lol, no no, I have a decent sized penis so no need for
"felt wierd fingering my exhuast for 1hr with no results :(" - zboost
"lmao, i know, theres more drama and favoritism on than a middle
school girls locker room" - sfpearl300z
"I think I'll pass on giving my car a handjob" - joel(PA)
"I did plug the holes, But I did it by taping over them a lot, I didnt think
that maybe HOT air is comming through
there, And it melted the tape, damnit im an ass." - DC 21

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